The role of Spaceborne SAR in Cryosphere Science

Bernd Scheuchl

University of California

Dr. Bernd Scheuchl has more than 18 years of experience with SAR remote sensing. He has a PhD in Electrical Engineering from the University of British Columbia, where he worked in collaboration with MDA and the Canadian Ice Service on evaluating the potential of RADARSAT-2 for sea ice monitoring. Throughout his career, he worked in industrial and academic environments on projects dealing with the development of a wide range of SAR applications. For the past 8 years, Bernd has been working at the University of California, Irvine, where he is involved in a NASA funded project producing ice velocity and grounding line maps of the world’s ice sheets using spaceborne SAR data. Among the research group’s major achievements is the first continent-wide ice velocity map of Antarctica. Bernd serves as a member of the NASA SAR Distributed Active Archive Center advisory group for the Alaska Satellite Facility as well as the ice sheet science coordinator for the Polar Space Task Group. He is a co-investigator the NISAR Science Definition Team.


We are living in a period where remote sensing plays a crucial role in earth science. The Polar Regions have long been a driver for the use of spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data. Lack of daylight in winter combined... [ view full abstract ]


STu-3 » SAR Tutorial 3 (13:30 - Friday, 23rd June, SH-3620)