Session: OS-9G
Compact Polarimetry/ Polarimétrie Compacte
Matt Arkett/Gordon Staples
13:30 - 14:50 on
Thursday, 22nd of June 2017
Gabriel Gosselin (PCI Geomatics), John Wessels (PCI Geomatics)
Kerri Warner (Earth Observation & Geomatics - Environment and Climate Change Canada), Shahid Khurshid (Earth Observation & Geomatics - Environment and Climate Change Canada), Torsten Geldsetzer (Independant Contractor), Guosheng Zhang (Bedford Institute of Oceanography - Fisheries and Oceans Canada), Matt Arkett (Earth Observation & Geomatics - Environment and Climate Change Canada), Will Perrie (Bedford Institute of Oceanography - Fisheries and Oceans Canada), François Charbonneau (Natural Resources Canada,), Daniel De Lisle (Canadian Space Agency)
Benoit Montpetit (Environnement et Changement Climatique Canada), Marilee Pregitzer (Environment and Climate Change Canada), Stéphanie Tremblay-therrien (Environment and Climate Change Canada), Céline Fabi (Environment and Climate Change Canada), Dean Flett (Environment and Climate Change Canada)