Session: FW-2
Mapping burned areas and burn severity- part I
13:30 - 14:50 on
Tuesday, 20th of June 2017
Rob Skakun (Canadian Forest Service), Ronald Hall (Canadian Forest Service), Robert Landry (Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation), Michael Gartrell (Canadian Forest Service), Robert Fraser (Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation)
Jinkai Zhang (Alberta Agriculture and Forestry), Daniel Thompson (Natural Resources Canada,), Amber Unger (Alberta Agriculture and Forestry), Bogoljub Stankovic (Alberta Agriculture and Forestry), Cordy Tymstra (Alberta Agriculture and Forestry), Ellen Whitman (University of Alberta)
Laura Chasmer (University of Lethbridge), Joshua Montgomery (Department of Geography, University of Lethbridge), Ravinder Virk (University of Lethbridge), Maxim Okhrimenko (Department of Geography, University of Lethbridge), Chris Hopkinson (University of Lethbridge), Daniel Thompson (Natural Resources Canada,), Richard Petrone (University of Waterloo)
Brad Lehrbass (Natural Resources Canada,), Vincent Decker (Natural Resources Canada,)