Absorption of CO2 from a simulated flue gas using mono ethanol amine in a rotating packed bed with counter, co and cross flow of the gas phase

Jonathan Lee

Newcastle University

Jonathan Lee gained his degree and Ph.D in chemical engineering from Newcastle University in 1993.  During his Ph.D. he worked with Professor Colin Ramshaw on Process Intensification specifically the development of rotating packed beds.  Over the last twenty years he has continued to work in the field of process intensification for carbon capture and biofuels production processes. For the last three years his group have been working on solvent based post combustion capture using a rotating packed bed.


  1. Jonathan Lee (Newcastle University)
  2. Pierrot Attidekou (Newcastle University)
  3. Toluwanimi Kolawole (Newcastle University)

Topic Areas

Post-combustion capture , Novel technologies


Poster » Poster session (15:20 - Tuesday, 13th June)