Addition of phosphorylated nanocellulose fibrils in PVA nanocomposite membranes for CO2/CH4 separation at higher pressure

Zaib Jahan


Miss Zaib Jahan is working as PhD student under the supervision of Prof. Øyvind Weiby Gregersen in Chemical Engineering Department. She has done her masters in chemical engineering from National University of Sciences and Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan. Her PhD project is based on the CO2 Separation using Nanocomposite Membrane Containing Bio-nanofibers and Mimic Enzyme. In this work, she is working on the development of novel phosphorylated nanocellulose fibrils/PVA nanocomposite membranes (CNFP) for CO2 capture at different concentrations of CNFP in PVA. Moreover, different pH of casting solution has been investigated to optimize CO2 separation.


  1. Zaib Jahan (N)
  2. Muhammad Bilal Khan Niazi (National university of Sciences and Technology,)
  3. øYvind Weiby Gregersen (ntnu)

Topic Area

CO2 negative solutions


Poster » Poster session (15:20 - Tuesday, 13th June)