Simple Modeling of Amine Emissions from a Membrane Contactor

Kristin Dalane

NTNU Department of Chemical Engineering

Kristin Dalane has a master’s degree in Chemical Engineering from Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). Since August 2015, she has been a PhD candidate at the Department of Chemical Engineering at NTNU. She is working on modelling and simulation of membrane processes (natural gas dehydration and carbon capture).


  1. Kristin Dalane (NTNU Department of Chemical Engineering)
  2. Marta Westad Hauge (NTNU Department of Chemical Engineering)
  3. Luca Ansaloni (NTNU Department of Chemical Engineering)
  4. Liyuan Deng (NTNU Department of Chemical Engineering)

Topic Area

Post-combustion capture


Poster » Poster session (15:20 - Tuesday, 13th June)