Reactive Gas Electrosorption: novel, clean and energy efficient CO2 capture concept

Louis Legrand

Wetsus, european centre of excellence for sustainable water technology

Louis Legrand was born in Béthune (France), the 20th of May 1990. In 2013, he graduated from an engineering school in France in Agriculture and environmental science. Between 2013 and 2015, he studied in Wageningen University (WUR) in the environmental science master (MES), specialized in environmental technology. There, he started his master thesis on "energy extraction from CO2 emissions using a supercapacitor flow cell" in Wetsus (the Netherlands). Interesting into the energy sector and CO2 emissions, he started his PhD on "CO2 capture using a supercapacitor flow cell " in the same institute in 2015.  


  1. Louis Legrand (Wetsus, european centre of excellence for sustainable water technology)
  2. Olivier Schaetzle (Wetsus, european centre of excellence for sustainable water technology)
  3. Hubertus Hamelers (Wetsus, european centre of excellence for sustainable water technology)
  4. Robert De Kler (Wetsus, european centre of excellence for sustainable water technology)
  5. Cees Buisman (Wageningen University)

Topic Areas

Post-combustion capture , Novel technologies


B3 » Session B3 - Novel technologies (16:00 - Tuesday, 13th June, R5)