Using Integrated Tasks in Assessing Academic Writing Skills


ETS Global

Yasemin Arşın works as an Academic Relations Specialist at ETS Global in Istanbul. She is responsible for coordinating all outreach activities for theTOEFL iBT® and GRE® Tests towards test takers and English language teachers in Turkey, including the delivery Propell® Workshops for the TOEFL iBT® Test. Yasemin holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in American Culture and Literature from İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University and an English Teaching Certificate from Hacettepe University. She taught academic English to students, ranging from children to adults, in a variety of institutions in Ankara for ten years.  


It is believed that the right approach to teaching authentic communication is by integrating skills in the classroom. Therefore, to create positive backwash it should become common to include integrated skills in language... [ view full abstract ]


The workshop will discuss the benefits of using integrated writing tasks in assessment. Such tasks require students to use their reading, listening and writing skills within the same task instead of assessing each skill... [ view full abstract ]



Topic Areas

Language Skills: Writing, Reading, Speaking, and Listening , Testing and Assessment


PS-1 » Poster Presentations and Coffee Break (11:00 - Saturday, 15th April, Albert Long Hall Foyer)

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