Sustainable futures for all? Human rights perspectives on the private provision of education


Towards human rights norms and standards to assess privatisation of education Private education provision raises questions about the realisation of the right to education and the extent to which it supports or restrains... [ view full abstract ]

Abstract 2

How States regulate the role of private actors in education International human rights law recognises the freedom to establish and direct private schools that conform to minimum educational standards established by the State.... [ view full abstract ]

Abstract 3

The Chilean Case: From Neo-liberalisation to de-marketization of education Chile has one of the most stable economies in Latin America yet it is one of the most unequal countries in the region; it has the highest Gini... [ view full abstract ]

Symposia Rationale

The World Education Forums in Dakar (2000) affirmed that the governance of education must be driven by equity concerns and social justice; the six EFA goals provided a humanist vision of education and road map for combined... [ view full abstract ]


  1. Delphine Dorsi (Right to Education Project)
  2. Maria Ron Balsera (Bielefeld University)
  3. Javier Gonzalez (RED (Red de Estudios para la profundización Democrática))
  4. Sylvain Aubry (Global Initiative for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights)

Topic Area

Whose learning


PS396 » Quick Fire: Privatisation and Marketisation of Education (13:30 - Thursday, 17th September, Room 6)

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