Women's Empowerment: The uneasy relation between theory and global policy

Nelly Stromquist

University of Maryland

Professor, International Education Policy. Has conducted research on gender, globalization (higher education and the professoriate), NFE, social movements, and global and national education policies. Recipient of Fulbright Century Scholar Program and K. Hesselgren Chair (SSRC, Sweden). Past president of CIES.


Over the past decade, most international donor agencies (IDAs) have come to endorse the concept of women’s empowerment, yet they seldom place it within a theory of gender transformation. MDG empowerment indicators covers... [ view full abstract ]


  1. Nelly Stromquist (University of Maryland)

Topic Area

International support and co-operation


PS2511 » Women and Girls: Education and Empowerment (11:00 - Wednesday, 16th September, Room 11)

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