An Awakening, Breathing, Delirium Screening, and Mobility Program for Mechanically Ventilated Patients Changes Daily ICU Practices


Background: Spontaneous awakening and breathing trials, early mobilization, and interventions to reduce ventilator-associated events may improve outcomes such as delirium, duration of mechanical ventilation, length of stay,... [ view full abstract ]


  1. Melissa Vogelsong (Stanford Healthcare)
  2. Jill Henry (Stanford Healthcare)
  3. Mary Lough (Stanford Healthcare)
  4. Kristen Merriman (Stanford Healthcare)
  5. Angela Rogers (Stanford Healthcare)
  6. Javier Lorenzo (Stanford Healthcare)

Topic Area

System & Practice Based Projects


OP-1 » Oral Presentations - Session 1 (07:30 - Saturday, 22nd April, Billiard Room)

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