Session: PB04
Poster Presentation Led by Professors
16:30 - 17:00 on
Saturday, 24th of September 2016
raul moreira neto (Ecomoinhos - School of Medical Ultrasound)
raul moreira neto (Ecomoinhos - School of Medical Ultrasound)
James Maher (Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, School of Medicine), Gabrielle Rich (Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, School of Medicine), Byron Newton (Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, School of Medicine), Lindsey Rodriguez-ice (Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, School of Medicine), Randall Kelly (Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, School of Medicine), Natalia Schlabritz-lutsevich (Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, School of Medicine), Daniela Pino (Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, School of Medicine)
Jonathan Monti (US Army /Baylor Emergency Medicine PA Residency Program, Madigan Army Medical Center, Tacoma, WA)
HAIDER ABBAS (King George's Medical University,Lucknow,India)