Estimating Inter-annual Variability in Project Take for Rare Events

Jonathan Plissner

Tetra Tech

Dr. Jonathan Plissner is a senior ecologist at Tetra Tech, with 30 years of experience conducting avian ecological studies. He received his Ph.D. from Clemson University for his studies of dispersal in eastern bluebirds and continued studies of avian movement patterns and population ecology with subsequent academic, governmental, and NGO positions. Much of his work has focused on seabirds, shorebirds, and other threatened and endangered species. He has worked extensively with industry, governmental, and NGO interests and has international experience on collaborative projects throughout North America and the Caribbean. Since 2003, Dr. Plissner has worked on and managed projects involving avian and bat interactions with wind and other renewable and nonrenewable energy developments throughout the continental U.S., Alaska, and Hawaii. For wind energy projects, he has specialized in the design, implementation, and analysis of preconstruction avian radar and visual studies (including analysis of collision risk) and post-construction avian and bat mortality monitoring. As a senior ecologist at Tetra Tech, he has also worked on Habitat Conservation Plans, including using fatality estimation models to help identify appropriate take limits and monitor compliance. Dr. Plissner has a keen interest in developing monitoring and analytical methods for predicting and measuring avian and bat collisions at onshore and offshore wind energy facilities.


Compliance for incidental take permits (ITPs) requires monitoring to demonstrate that the number of fatalities identified are in compliance with estimated take limits established in an Eagle Conservation Plan or Habitat... [ view full abstract ]


  1. Jonathan Plissner (Tetra Tech)
  2. Thomas Snetsinger (Tetra Tech)
  3. Alicia Oller (Tetra Tech)
  4. Brita Woeck (Tetra Tech)
  5. Marie VanZandt (Auwahi Wind Energy)

Topic Areas

Assessing direct and indirect effects on wildlife and their habitats , Bats , Birds , Eagles , Threatened or endangered species , U.S. - No Specific Region , U.S. - Pacific Region (USFWS Region 1) , Impact assessment , Methodology , Land-based


11 » Endangered Species Risk and Impact Estimation (08:30 - Friday, 2nd December, Interlocken Ballroom)

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