Vultures as Surrogates for Eagles and Other Large Birds in Bias Trials for Wind Farm Fatality Monitoring

Chris Farmer

DNV GL Energy

Dr. Farmer is the Principal Biologist in Environmental and Permitting Services (EPS) for the North America business group in the Chalfont, PA office of DNV GL. He is an ecologist with 18 years of experience studying birds, ungulates, and carnivores, specializing in eagle surveys and take permitting, habitat studies, survival analysis, population ecology, population modeling, and statistical ecology. He provides leadership and mentoring to biologists in EPS, and is also a leader of business development for biological services. Mr. Farmer’s current career focus is providing biological and strategic support to the wind, solar, and electrical transmission industries. He provides support to due diligence and permitting for energy projects including pre-construction wildlife surveys, NEPA analyses, mitigation plans, habitat conservation plans (HCP), eagle conservation plans (ECP) and other documents required under the endangered species act, bald and golden eagle protection act, and other environmental rules and regulations. He has represented clients in negotiations with regulatory agencies and promotes a high level of technical competence in our work products. He has served as an associate editor for the Journal of Raptor Research since 2010. He also served on the board of directors of the Ornithological Council, representing the American Ornithologists’ Union from 2009 to 2015, and is a member of the Eastern Golden Eagle Working Group.


In post-construction fatality monitoring (PCFM) of wind projects, the amount of time a bald (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) or golden (Aquila chrysaetos) eagle carcass remains detectable (carcass persistence), can influence the... [ view full abstract ]


  1. Chris Farmer (DNV GL Energy)
  2. Thomas Snetsinger (Tetra Tech, Inc)
  3. Dave Phillips (Apex Clean Energy, Inc)

Topic Areas

Assessing direct and indirect effects on wildlife and their habitats , Evaluating novel approaches (e.g., conceptual, methodological, technological) to avoiding, , Birds , Eagles , Raptors , U.S. - No Specific Region , Impact assessment , Methodology , Land-based


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