Estimating the Minimum Number of Eagles Utilizing a Site in Northern Arizona Using Trail Cameras Deployed on Bait Stations

Tom Koronkiewicz

SWCA Environmental Consultants

Mr. Koronkiewicz is an avian ecologist/habitat specialist with a background in conducting ecological investigations on the distribution and abundance of living organisms and their habitats. He has developed and managed numerous threatened and endangered species ecology, demography, presence/absence, telemetry, food base, brood parasitism, habitat/hydrology, and migration studies. As a research specialist at Northern Arizona University, where he serves as a graduate student adviser, he has developed and managed ecological studies throughout the southwestern United States, with a focus on habitat function as related to endangered species. Mr. Koronkiewicz has managed numerous threatened/endangered/sensitive avian species surveys including southwestern willow flycatcher, Yuma clapper rail, Western yellow-billed cuckoo, golden and bald eagle, and Mexican spotted owl. His most recent studies concentrate on the development and implementation of avian and bat pre- and post-construction studies and habitat/listed species assessment studies as related to alternative energy generation development in Texas, California, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, Wyoming, and Idaho. Mr. Koronkiewicz is currently involved with the development of several Bird and Bat Conservation Strategies and Eagle Conservation Plans across the United States.


Detecting site use by non-breeding bald (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) and golden (Aquila chrysaetos) eagles can be problematic due to the nomadic nature and large ranges of these species. We attempted to estimate the minimum... [ view full abstract ]


  1. Daniel Driscoll (American Eagle Research Institute)
  2. Tom Koronkiewicz (SWCA Environmental Consultants)

Topic Areas

Assessing direct and indirect effects on wildlife and their habitats , Evaluating novel approaches (e.g., conceptual, methodological, technological) to avoiding, , Risk prediction , Birds , Eagles , Raptors , Canada , Europe , U.S. - No Specific Region , Central and/or South America , Mexico , Impact assessment , Methodology , Technology - detection or deterrent , Land-based


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