Overcoming Challenges to Conducting Meaningful Cumulative Impact Analysis
Chris Rutledge
Environmental Resources Management (ERM)
Mr. Chris Rutledge has over 20 years of environmental consulting experience ranging from conducting baseline biology surveys to managing complex NEPA documents. He has prepared and managed Environmental Assessments and Environmental Impact Statements for a number of federal agencies and renewable energy projects located throughout the western U.S., including NEPA projects in support of take permitting. Mr. Rutledge’s technical background is in biology and he has extensive experience in assisting clients with complying with the Endangered Species Act, Migratory Bird Treaty Act, Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act, and section 404 of the Clean Water Act. Mr. Rutledge’s wind energy-related avian and bat experience includes managing pre-construction baseline and post-construction monitoring surveys, conducting aerial raptor nest surveys, conducting surveys for special status species, and development and implementation of mitigation measures for Eagle Conservation Plans, Habitat Conservation Plans, and Bird and Bat Conservation Strategies.
With numerous efforts underway to develop and clarify permit programs to potentially authorize take of federally-listed species, eagles, and even migratory birds for wind energy projects – it is foreseeable that the number... [ view full abstract ]
- Chris Rutledge (Environmental Resources Management (ERM))
Topic Areas
Assessing direct and indirect effects on wildlife and their habitats , Bats , Birds , Eagles , Threatened or endangered species , Canada , Europe , U.S. - No Specific Region , Mexico , Impact assessment , Methodology , Land-based , Offshore , Considering the effects of wind energy development in the larger context of our energy cho
00 » Posters (12:30 - Friday, 2nd December, Centennial Ballroom)
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