Everyday technologies for increasing activities of daily living of older people with mild cognitive impairment living in the community


Everyday technologies are items of electronic, technical or mechanical nature and have meaning for an individual’s ability to participate in everyday occupations. Despite their importance, the use of such technologies can be... [ view full abstract ]


  1. Ann-Helen Patomella (Karolinska Institutet,)
  2. Meryl Lovarini (University of Sydney)
  3. Louise Nygård (Karolinska Instiutet)
  4. Eva Lindqvist (Nestor)

Topic Areas

Europe 2020 targets and occupational therapy /science development , Horizon 2020 and occupational therapy / science research , WHO 2020 health promotion and disease prevention , ICT


PS3 » Poster Session 3 - Coffee Break - 15:10 - 16:10 (15:10 - Saturday, 18th June, Concourse)

