Mental health assessment of transgender youth in a clinical paediatric setting; should standardised psychological measures be scored by norms of birth assigned sex or identified gender?


Worldwide there are increasing numbers of young people identifying as Transgender. There is not a great amount known about the mental health of transgender youth, possibly due to the relative recency of contemporary approaches... [ view full abstract ]


This study aimed to determine if the assessment measures used in practice to assess psychological wellbeing and risk should be measured according to the Birth Assigned Sex (BAS) rather than the identified gender (IG). This... [ view full abstract ]


Participants are adolescents (aged 11-17) attending the GDS in 2015 and 2016 (N= 44, M = 15 years, 4 months, SD = 1.52). Each participant and their family completed a battery of empirically-validated psychological assessment... [ view full abstract ]

Main Outcome Measures

The assessment measure used for this study is the Beck Youth Inventory of Emotional and Social Impairment (BYI; Beck et al., 2001) questionnaire. The BYI assesses psychosocial functioning across five domains: four negative... [ view full abstract ]


FTM 11-14 There was a significant negative difference in the scores for BYI-BDBI-BAS level (M=51.22, SD=12.92) and BYI-BDBI-IG (M=47.56, SD=9.79) conditions; t(8)=3.14, p =.014. FTM 15-18 There was a significant positive... [ view full abstract ]


This study’s results highlight significant differences in psychopathology between adolescent groups attending a clinical paediatric gender service when scored as the adolescents IG. This may be evidence to indicate that... [ view full abstract ]


  1. Liz Saunders (Gender Diversity Service, Princess Margaret Hospital for Children)
  2. Hans-willem van Hall (Gender Diversity Service, Princess Margaret Hospital for Children)
  3. Julie Moore (Gender Diversity Service, Princess Margaret Hospital for Children)
  4. Sarah Robinson (Gender Diversity Service, Princess Margaret Hospital for Children)
  5. Colette Halpin (Gender Diversity Service, Princess Margaret Hospital for Children)
  6. Roxanne Buktenica (Gender Diversity Service, Princess Margaret Hospital for Children)

Topic Area

Oral & Poster Topics: Children and adolescents


OS-2B » Children & Adolescents II: Assessing Prevalence, Treatment Satisfaction and Mental Health (11:00 - Friday, 7th April, Atlantic 2)

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