Promiscuous Politics

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Moderator: Cristina Beltran, Director of Latino Studies and Associate Professor of Social and Cultural Analysis, New York University. Panelists: Lázaro Lima, Professor, Associate Provost for Faculty, the E. Claiborne Robins Distinguished Chair in the Liberal Arts, Professor of Latin American, Latino and Iberian Studies and of American Studies, University of Richmond; Lorgia García Peña, Assistant Professor of Romance Languages and Literatures, Harvard University; Karma R. Chávez, Associate Professor of Rhetoric, Politics, and Culture, University of Wisconsin; Gustavo Madrigal-Piña, undocumented student activist, Hampshire College


2016 will see the end of the Obama administration and perhaps the election of the first woman as President of the United States. One might think that the election of the first African American and, possibly, the first woman as... [ view full abstract ]


PL-4 » Plenary 4: Promiscuous Politics (17:15 - Saturday, 9th July, Fountain Ballroom)