Nanostructured InGaAs Photodetectors for Infrared Imaging

michael verdun


Michaël Verdun is a postdoctoral researcher at the MiNaO CNRS-ONERA research joint laboratory. He is working on the fourth generation of infrared detectors by combining nano-resonant structures and innovative III-V semiconductors stacks.


Despite the outstanding performances reached by today’s infrared quantum photo-detectors, progresses have been stagnating for years. Their detectivity is mainly limited by the noise generated by the dark current requiring... [ view full abstract ]


  1. michael verdun (CNRS, C2N)
  2. Benjamin Portier (REOSC)
  3. Katarzyna Jaworowicz (CNRS, C2N)
  4. Julien Jaeck (Onera)
  5. François Lelarge (3-5lab)
  6. Stéphane Guilet (CNRS, C2N)
  7. Christophe Dupuis (CNRS, C2N)
  8. Riad Haïdar (Onera)
  9. Fabrice Pardo (CNRS, C2N)
  10. Jean-Luc Pelouard (CNRS, C2N)

Topic Area

Enhanced devices: lasers, nano antennas, solar cells, LEDs, photonic crystal fibers…


OS1-103a » Enhanced devices: lasers, nano antennas, solar cells, LEDs, photonic crystal fibers… (14:30 - Wednesday, 7th December, Tower 24 - Room 103)

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