Design of the main stations and multimodality: developing a comprehensive security for attractiveness and efficiency

Virginie Papillault


Virginie Papillault is a Senior Advisor at the International Union of Railways since 2008. She has a strong experience in safety and management of organizational and human factors. In 2013 she moved to new challenges and integrated into the UIC security team ; she works now on specific topics related to contemporary and political issues: cybercriminality, terrorism, attacks, threats. Currently she is working on "feeling of security", "crisis management" and is about to implement training modules in security.


Each mode of transport wants to gain and develop market share. Beyond its technical and financial performances, organizational, human and societal aspects must be also taken into account. This is true in different areas and in... [ view full abstract ]


  1. Virginie Papillault (UIC)
  2. Jacques Colliard (International Union of Railways - UIC)

Topic Area

Station design, passenger information systems, CCTV and crowd management


1PS-1B » Station design / Emergency (11:20 - Monday, 14th September, Evolve / Seed)



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