A GaN-based 6.78 MHz Single-Stage Transmitter with Constant Output Current for Wireless Power Transfer
Ling Jiang
The university of Tennessee
Ling Jiang received the M.S. degree in electrical engineering from the Tongji University Shanghai, China, in 2011. Then she worked as a development engineer for three years in Philips Lighting, Shanghai, China. She is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree at the university of Tennessee at Knoxville. Her research interests include high efficiency and high power density converter, GaN-based high frequency converter and wireless power transfer system design.
A single-stage transmitter is reviewed which directly converts a utility ac input to high frequency (6.78 MHz) ac output for wireless power transfer applications. Compared with a two-stage transmitter implementation, this... [ view full abstract ]
- Ling Jiang (The university of Tennessee)
- Daniel Costinett (The university of Tennessee)
Topic Area
Power Transmitters and Receivers for Wireless Power Systems
WoW1 » Circuit Modelling & Analysis (10:15 - Monday, 4th June, M-1420 (Lassonde Building))