Topology study for an Inductive Power Transmitter for Cordless Kitchen Appliances
Mahesh Itraj
Eekels Technology B V
Mahesh Itraj was born in India and received his B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering in 2013 from Pune University. He joined Tata Technologies in 2014 as a Design Engineer, specializing in passenger and commercial vehicle circuit schematics and wiring harness. He received his M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering (specializing in Power Electronics) from TU Delft in the Netherlands. He delivered his master thesis on the topic 'Topology study for an inductive power transmitter for cordless kitchen appliances'. He worked as a Hardware Designer with nok9 AB in Sweden and was involved in standardizing test tools for the cordless kitchen. Today he works as Product Engineer with Eekels Technology B.V. in The Netherlands and is involved in modelling and hardware design for the shore power converters.
In a conventional kitchen an appliance may require over 2.4kW of power during normal operation. In a cordless kitchen the used appliances are cordless, so this power needs to be transferred over a distance of at least 4cm, at... [ view full abstract ]
- Mahesh Itraj (Eekels Technology B V)
- Will Ettes (Philips Consumer Lifestyle B.V.)
Topic Area
Power Transmitters and Receivers for Wireless Power Systems
WoW Poster » WoW Poster (13:00 - Wednesday, 6th June, M-3500 Atrium Lorne M. Trottier (Lassonde building) )