Magnetic Field Tuning and Control for Wireless Power Transfer Using Inductive Tuning Plunger and Conical Coils

Abdanaser Okaf

Concordia University

Education:  Concordia University, Montreal, QC, Canada. (PhD candidate)University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) Parit Raja, Batu Pahat Johor, Malaysia, Master ofElectrical Engineering, March 2012.Al-Gabal Al-Ghrbi University, BSc in Electrical Engineering May 2006. Libya Publication:Jiwa Abdullah and A. M. I. Okaf , “Adaptive Rate Mechanism for WLAN IEEE 802.11 Based onBPA-Artificial Neural Network.” The 8th International Conference on Robotics, Vision, SignalProcessing & Power Applications (ROVISP), 10-12 Nov 2013, Published in Springer LectureNotes in Electrical Engineering. areas of interests:Internet of Things.Ultra-dense Wireless Networks.HetNets.5G Technologies. 


Multiple input wireless power transfer (WPT)system has drawn increased interests recently due to itsenhancing ability to the efficiency of power transfer. In mostcases, it uses a number of transmitters to deliver the... [ view full abstract ]


  1. Nagi Mohamed (College of Engineering Technology)
  2. Johnson Agbinya (Melbourne Institute of Technology)
  3. Abdanaser Okaf (Concordia University)

Topic Area

Power Control of Wireless Power Systems


WoW Poster » WoW Poster (13:00 - Wednesday, 6th June, M-3500 Atrium Lorne M. Trottier (Lassonde building) )

