Challenges for Wireless Power Transfer in Building-Integrated Photovoltaics
Ben Minnaert
KU Leuven
Ben Minnaert is currentlyworking as a researcher at the research group “Wireless and Mobilecommunication” of the KU Leuven, Belgium.He received the master'sdegree Engineering - Physics in 2003 and the PhD degree in Engineering in 2007,both from Ghent University.Currently, his mainresearch focus is to improve the wireless power transfer technology forapplications that are non-static and where ruggedness and reliability arecrucial.
Building-integrated photovoltaics is steadily entering the market. It allows for solar cells to be an integrated part of the building itself, contrary to installing the photovoltaic modules onto the finished building.... [ view full abstract ]
- Ben Minnaert (KU Leuven)
- Simon Ravyts (KU Leuven)
- Johan Driesen (KU Leuven)
- Nobby Stevens (KU Leuven)
Topic Area
Applications of Wireless Power Technologies
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