Design of a Capacitive Wireless Power Transfer Link with Minimal Receiver Circuitry

Ben Minnaert

KU Leuven

Ben Minnaert is currentlyworking as a researcher at the research group “Wireless and Mobilecommunication” of the KU Leuven, Belgium.He received the master'sdegree Engineering - Physics in 2003 and the PhD degree in Engineering in 2007,both from Ghent University.Currently, his mainresearch focus is to improve the wireless power transfer technology forapplications that are non-static and where ruggedness and reliability arecrucial. 


By applying capacitive coupling, wireless power transfer can be realized between a transmitter and a receiver. To maximize the power transfer, the default design is to construct resonant circuits by applying a compensation... [ view full abstract ]


  1. Ben Minnaert (KU Leuven)
  2. Nobby Stevens (KU Leuven)

Topic Area

Power Transmitters and Receivers for Wireless Power Systems


WoW Poster » WoW Poster (13:00 - Wednesday, 6th June, M-3500 Atrium Lorne M. Trottier (Lassonde building) )

