Fostering acceptance and change in autistic adults: a group intervention
David Vagni
Ludwig Maximilian University (Munich) / Spazio Asperger No Profit Association
David Vagni is the vice-president of Spazio Asperger ONLUS an Italian no-profit association founded in 2011 trying to bring together professionals, researchers, parents and people living in the Spectrum. He has a MSc. In Physics, a Bc. in Psychology and a post-MSc specialization in scientific computing. He is a researcher for the Italian National Research Council and he is actually in an educational leave at the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich where he is a PhD Candidate in Learning Science and works in the Neurocognitive Psychology Laboratory. His main research topics are executive functions, moral and emotional development, measures of change and heterogeneity within diagnostic groups. David Vagni is also an ASD advocate, author of a free booklet about ASD and public speaker in more than 100 conferences. He is the administrator of his association testing portal and forum. He is a counsellor for people with ASD and their families, and a mindfulness practitioner.
Background: Adults in the Autism Spectrum without intellectual disability and mild traits, frequently receive a diagnosis during adult age. Many first-person reports describe an immediate sense of relief but frequently... [ view full abstract ]
Background: Adults in the Autism Spectrum without intellectual disability and mild traits, frequently receive a diagnosis during adult age. Many first-person reports describe an immediate sense of relief but frequently followed by a polarization between a sense of predetermination and an over-justification for their behavior, leading to resignation and resistance to positive change. Methods: We developed a cycle-model of ASD diagnosis acceptance and we conducted a group therapy with 12 ASD adults for twenty 90-minutes sessions. The main goal was fostering acceptance while maintaining the willingness to change. Intervention targets were the clarification of values, giving a personal meaning to “Quality of Life”, developing self-awareness and socio-communication skills, increasing knowledge and build coping strategies for sensory, emotional, cognitive, social traits. We mixed a psycho-educative approach trough frontal teaching, discussions and sharing; with Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Mindfulness and Role-playing. We administered self-report questionnaires before and after the intervention. Results: Ten participants completed pre- and post-intervention assessment. The results of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (AAQ-9) showed a 20% increase in the total score (p=.44, F=5.3, d=1.0) driven by emotional and thoughts acceptance. Daily living difficulties decreased by 19% overall with a marginally significant decrease (p<.1, d>.8) in difficulties with personal responsibility, friendship and peers relationships.
Conclusion: in the year following the study, two participant finished their formal education after been stuck for many years; three participants started a long term relationship; half of the participants started being actively involved in the autism field in order to empower other people who share the same condition. Overall every participant rated the experience as positive and for many there was a feeling of community for the first time.
Ethics and permissions statement and / or disclosure of potential conflict of interest (if relevant)
The authors declare no conflict of interest. The study was conducted within a nonprofit association of which the authors are members. The authors didn't received any grant, payment or funding for the study. Each participant... [ view full abstract ]
The authors declare no conflict of interest. The study was conducted within a nonprofit association of which the authors are members. The authors didn't received any grant, payment or funding for the study. Each participant released a written consent for therapeutical and research purpose.
David Vagni
(Ludwig Maximilian University (Munich) / Spazio Asperger No Profit Association)
Davide Moscone
(Spazio Asperger No Profit Association)
Topic Area
Topics: Practice
V9B » Oral Posters: Screening, diagnosis and assessment II (15:10 - Saturday, 17th September, Moorfoot Room)
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