Risk preference shares the psychometric structure of major psychological traits
To what extent is there a general factor of risk preference, R—akin to g, the general factor of intelligence—that may complement domain-specific dimensions? And can risk preference beregarded a stable psychological trait?... [ view full abstract ]
To what extent is there a general factor of risk preference, R—akin to g, the general factor of intelligence—that may complement domain-specific dimensions? And can risk preference beregarded a stable psychological trait? These conceptual issues persist because few attemptshave been made to integrate multiple risk-taking measures, in particular measures from differ-ent and largely unrelated measurement traditions (self-reported propensity measures assessingstated preferences; incentivized behavioral measures eliciting revealed preferences; frequencymeasures assessing concrete risky activities). We provide a substantive empirical foundationfor addressing these issues with a comprehensive psychometric approach (1,507 healthy adultscompleting 39 risk-taking measures), and found that correlations between propensity and be-havioral measures were weak. Yet, a general factor of risk preference, R, emerged from statedpreferences, and generalized to frequency measures of concrete risky activities. Moreover, Rproved highly stable across time, indicative of a psychological trait. Our findings offer a firststep towards a general theory of risk preference and have implications for its assessment.
Renato Frey
(University of Basel)
Andreas Pedroni
(University of Zurich)
Rui Mata
(University of Basel)
Jörg Rieskamp
(University of Basel)
Ralph Hertwig
(Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin)
Topic Area
Personality, Temperament, Attitudes, Politics and Religion
6C-SY » Risk Tolerance (15:30 - Friday, 30th June, Forum)
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