Writing Through Writer's Block: Race, Gender and Knowledge Cultures in the American Academy

Naomi Greyser

University of Iowa

Naomi Greyser is associate professor of rhetoric and English at the University of Iowa, and executive director of POROI, Iowa’s Project on Rhetoric of Inquiry.  Her work—on nineteenth-century American literatures, affect, the rhetorical arts, and critical race and gender studies—has appeared in American Literature, American Quarterly and Feminist Studies. Her first book, On Sympathetic Grounds: Race, Gender and Affective Geographies in Nineteenth-Century North America, is forthcoming from Oxford University Press in November. Greyser is working on a second book, Writing Through Writer’s Block: Race, Gender and Knowledge Culture in the American Academy.


The cursor blinks, yet does not move. Shoulders stiffen or lock, while attention glazes, flickers or slows. There is a reason it is called writer’s block: obstruction takes resolute shape across mind and body, social and... [ view full abstract ]


  1. Naomi Greyser (University of Iowa)

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Expanding Forms: a Writing Workshop


S4a » Seminar 4.a: Expanding Forms: a Writing Workshop I (08:00 - Friday, 23rd March, Boardroom East)

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