David Miller
Allegheny College
David Miller received his B.A. from Stanford and advanced degrees from Brown in American Civilization. After stints at Harvard, Bennington, and Reed, he joined the English Department at Allegheny College, where he has taught since 1985. Other appointments include a Mellon Fellowship at Stanford, a voyage with Semester-at-Sea, and a semester teaching the Newberry Seminar. Author of Dark Eden (Cambridge, 1989), he also edited American Iconology: New Approaches to Art and Literature (Yale, 1993). After years of working on nineteenth-century Boston culture, he has shifted focus to turn-of-the-century Chicago. His current interests combine urban studies with neuro and cognitive science.
Response to papers of panel: Dark Eden Revisited: Literatures and Cultures of America's Wetlands [ view full abstract ]
- David Miller (Allegheny College)
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P09 » *Dark Eden* Revisited: Literatures and Cultures of America's Wetlands (10:15 - Thursday, 22nd March, Enchantment B)
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