Using Realist Evaluation in intervention development: Key learning from a Realist Process Evaluation of a complex intervention in a pilot trial (Engager)


Background Engager is a care-coordination intervention to improve mental health outcomes of men near to and after release from prison who have common mental health challenges. A Realist Review (reported 1st CARES conference)... [ view full abstract ]


  1. Sarah Brand (Plymouth University Peninsula School of Medicine)
  2. Cath Quinn (Plymouth University Peninsula School of Medicine)
  3. Mark Pearson (University of Exeter)
  4. Richard Byng (Plymouth University Peninsula School of Medicine)

Topic Areas

Please select one of the following:: Combining Realist Evaluation and Synthesis , Please select a maximum of two themes from the following list:: Realist Methodology for La , Please select a maximum of two themes from the following list:: Designing Realist Evaluati


OS-6 » Realism, Trials and Transferability (13:45 - Monday, 3rd October, Frobisher Room 2)

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