One hand washes the other: Realist evaluation framework and First Nations justice programs


Objective: This paper reflects on how the realist evaluation framework and First Nations justice programs can strengthen each other. This relationship will be illustrated with an applied example of a realist approach to the... [ view full abstract ]


  1. Krystal Lockwood (Griffith University)
  2. Troy Allard (Griffith University)
  3. Lisa Broidy (Griffith University)
  4. Susan Dennison (Griffith University)
  5. Anna Stewart (Griffith University)
  6. Nick Tilley (University College London)

Topic Areas

Please select one of the following:: Combining Realist Evaluation and Synthesis , Please select a maximum of two themes from the following list:: Designing Realist Evaluati , Please select a maximum of two themes from the following list:: Other


PS-1 » Poster Session and Reception (15:00 - Tuesday, 4th October, Garden Room and Conservatory)

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