Occupational therapy in reducing sick leave for employees with psychological or musculoskeletal problems: a randomized controlled trial


Background: Within Flanders’ social security system, a new intervention has been introduced: InWorkCoaching. An occupational therapist (OT) coaches employees who are on sick-leave, under supervision of an insurance... [ view full abstract ]


  1. Rik Loenders (Landsbond der Christelijke Mutualiteiten)
  2. Dirk Dhollander (Landsbond der Christelijke Mutualiteiten)
  3. Elke Smeers (KU Leuven Department of Environment and Health & MSc in Occupational Therapy, KU Leuven & Ghent University, Belgium)
  4. Florence Wolfs (Landsbond der Christelijke Mutualiteiten & MSc in Occupational Therapy, KU Leuven & Ghent University, Belgium)
  5. Daphne Kos (KU Leuven Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, Belgium)

Topic Areas

Europe 2020 targets and occupational therapy /science development , Horizon 2020 and occupational therapy / science research , WHO 2020 health promotion and disease prevention , Education / Research / Professional Challenges , Occupational Justice , Research methods , Practice and intervention methods , New and innovative intervention , Evidence based practice , Multiprofessional issues in practice, research and education , Service user involvement in developing practice education and research enablement , Vocational, reintegration and work


OS - 1D » Working with people with Chronic Illness (14:00 - Thursday, 16th June, D'Arcy Thompson Theatre)

