An e-learning course in counselling for clinical supervisors
Fieldwork is a central learning arena for students under supervising of occupational therapists. The supervisors shall provide challenges; verify students' academic behavior and their direct patient care (Paschal 2002).... [ view full abstract ]
Fieldwork is a central learning arena for students under supervising of occupational therapists. The supervisors shall provide challenges; verify students' academic behavior and their direct patient care (Paschal 2002). Supervisors should also "interpret" the complex and often frustrating and overwhelming reality in which the students find themselves. Experience shows that supervisors often lack formal qualifications in guidance/counselling.
Haukeland University Hospital (HUH) is an important partner for Bergen University College (BUC). In collaboration with one of the occupational therapists at HUH, I have designed a simple interactive e-learning course of 2 hours duration in counselling. The course is divided into 5 parts, and the practitioners can finish the course partly.
Part 1: Preparation before the student arrive.
Part 2: How to solve a specific guidance situation.
Part 3: Meeting a challenging student, one example from each of the Three
Part 4: collaborative/cooperative learning. We wish that students should
cooperate in fieldwork. This is useful for students, but also a Resource
for the practice field (Vågstøl, Skøien and Raaheim 2007).
Part 5: Evidence based practice in counselling.
The course was completed and published September 2015. Evaluating data will be a part of the presentation.
Paschal, K.A. (2002) Techniques for Teaching Students in Clinical Settings. In: Shepart, K.F & Jensen, G.M. red. Handbook of teaching Physical Therapists. 2. Edt. Boston, Butterworth-Heinemann, s. 255-285.
Vågstøl, U. & Skøien, A.k. (2011) «A learning climate for discovery and awareness». Physiotherapy students`perspective on learning and supervision in practice. Advances in Physiotherapy, 13 (2) s. 71-78.
Sidsel Kaland
(Department of Occupational therapy, Physiotherapy and Radiography, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, Bergen University College, Norway)
Topic Areas
Education / Research / Professional Challenges , Pedagogical methods
OS - 1B » Developments in Education (14:00 - Thursday, 16th June, O' Flaherty Theatre)