Background: An increasing number of residents in nursing homes, who are chronically ill and in need of care (Destatis, 2013), lead to challenges for all health care professionals. Zwarenstein, Goldman & Reeves (2009, p.2)... [ view full abstract ]
An increasing number of residents in nursing homes, who are chronically ill and in need of care (Destatis, 2013), lead to challenges for all health care professionals. Zwarenstein, Goldman & Reeves (2009, p.2) suggested “that practice-based IPC interventions can improve healthcare processes and outcomes”. Furthermore there is a relation between perceived teamwork and job satisfaction (Körner, Göritz & Bengel, 2014, p.4). But relatively little is known about how IPC occurs in daily occupations of health professionals in nursing homes as well as its meaning. The aim of the study is to analyse IPC in nursing homes.
A qualitative research design based on ‘constructivist grounded theory’ (Charmaz, 2014) was used. In episodic interviews (Flick, 2014) nurses, occupational and physical therapists were asked about their experiences and perspectives on IPC in nursing homes. The data were initially and focused coded and continually constant compared.
IPC occurs as various occupations, in the phases of each therapy session, and with a change of the residents’ occupational performance. IPC is influenced by the environment, e.g. the culture of the nursing homes, and the professional’s occupational identity, e.g. to feel responsible for particular residents.
IPC in nursing homes are different occupations and influenced by the persons view and interaction with the environment. Based on the conceptual understanding of collaboration researchers and practitioners can establish interventions.
Application to Practice:
A conceptual understanding of IPC in nursing homes is a potential base for improving IPC, health and well-being in nursing homes of all stakeholders.
Britta Tetzlaff
(University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf)
Topic Areas
Education / Research / Professional Challenges , Multiprofessional issues in practice, research and education
OS - 3Q » Interprofessional Working (09:40 - Friday, 17th June, Tyndall Theatre)