Smart play
What can we do as OT to provide a special contribution in the care of the child born with an obstetric brachial plexus lesion (OBPL) . Literature teaches us the long-term consequences of OBPL; next to the biomechanical... [ view full abstract ]
What can we do as OT to provide a special contribution in the care of the child born with an obstetric brachial plexus lesion (OBPL) . Literature teaches us the long-term consequences of OBPL; next to the biomechanical consequences of the “plexus” arm, there are also functional and central neurological consequences such as “learned non use” or “developmental apraxia”. Maintaining mobility and intensive exercises are important pillars in the treatment of children with OBPL. Additionally, family-centred therapy, intrinsic motivation and integration of exercises in daily occupations are key elements of success.
After analysing the characteristics of therapeutic methods and analysing existing toys we created a therapeutic approach that combines the above described success-elements. All these elements resulted in into a toolbox with toys and play-ideas and an accompanying educational program including tips and tricks to enable parents to integrate therapeutic exercises into playful moments.
The education program teaches parents about the lesion and the consequences.
Since every baby learns by playing and parents love to play with their new born baby; this toolbox helps parents to integrate the exercises in playful moments with their child.
The toolbox is a helpful tool for all who are working with children with OBPL. The development of the toolbox is a response to a real need of parents.
The toolbox provides a special contribution in the care of the child born with an OBPL and fulfils a need for . We also noticed that a lot of community-OT’s are very interested in the box.
Annemie Coupé
(University Hospital Ghent)
Ruth Van Der Looven
(University Hospital Ghent)
Frike Van Nevel
(University Hospital Ghent)
Topic Areas
Research methods , Practice and intervention methods , New and innovative intervention , Evidence based practice , Multiprofessional issues in practice, research and education
PS2 » Poster Session 2 - Coffee Break - 15:10 - 16:10 (15:10 - Friday, 17th June, Concourse)