In this Technology In Action slot, Eithne Ní Chonchubhair from IT Sligo will be joined by Panopto’s Debra Garretson to discuss how IT Sligo is using the Panopto Video Platform to enhance the student learning experience.
Debra will provide a brief introduction covering how the Panopto Video Platform is being used by hundreds of institutions around the world to integrate lecture capture, flipped classroom, live broadcast, student recording and much more into their teaching practice. She will cover the top uses of video for our EMEA customer base and provide stats and trends from our recent student survey showing the importance of technology in the learning process.
Eithne will then give insights into how IT Sligo, an institution of 6000 students, has been using Panopto. A user of Panopto for a number of years, Eithne will talk about their transition from early pilot projects to a wider-scale roll out of lecture capture to certain departments. She will discuss why the institution felt it was important to provide video learning options to their students, why they chose Panopto as their video platform, how they are currently using Panopto and future plans with video.
KEYWORDS: Video, Lecture capture, IT Sligo, Panopto