The Integration of technology into the Learning environment is challenging because of the new emerging technology, and also the training needs of practitioners in the education industry. Moodle is a learning management system has a full rich set of features that allow students to interact with module content via interactive activities such as the chat feature however some other features don't allow the same level level of interactivity which H5P provides. Exploring H5P, will hopefully increase student engagement and ultimately improve retention.
Many educators find that the Investment of time upfront is an issue as regards the development of resources however, development of H5P interactive resources like other Moodle features is a one time development process.
The development recently of plugins has increased and from a Moodle perspective there has been lots of activity, H5P is an example of the plugin development. The H5P goal is to “enable everyone to create better content faster” and what H5P allows the educator to do is add interactive content to their Moodle course. H5P has also developed plugins for other platforms such as Wordpress and Drupal.
Installation of the H5P plugin is a relatively easy procedure and your Moodle administrator should be able to integrate this plugin into your Moodle instance, once testing is complete and the plugin is live and available the educators in your institution will be able to include H5P interactive content via the same procedure as Moodle activities or resources.
The Interactive plugin allows the educator to include various content types in areas such as Games, Multimedia, Questions and Social Media. The content types that are available vary from Interactive Video and Presentations, Hotspot and drag and drop activities, fill in the blanks, Choice and quiz, and many more activities that may enhance student retention, engagement and motivation.
Topics: Continuing Professional Development , Topics: Innovations and Design in Online and Blended Learning