"The opportunity to be heard" – Reflections on the participation of gender diverse children and youth in research from a depathologization and human rights perspective

Amets Suess Schwend

Dr. Amets Suess Schwend, Andalusian School of Public Health; CIBER-ESP, Centre for Biomedical Network Research – Epidemiology and Public Health

Amets Suess Schwend, PhD Social Anthropology, MA Art Therapy and BA Sociology, University of Granada, Spain. Professional activity as researcher at the Andalusian School of Public Health, Area of International Health, Granada, Spain. Thematic lines: trans depathologization; sexual, gender and bodily diversity; human rights perspectives; economic crisis and health; research epistemology, methodology and ethics. Member of the coordination team of STP, International Campaign Stop Trans Pathologization, member of the International Expert Group of GATE, Global Action for Trans Equality, as well as member of TGEU, Transgender Europe, WPATH, World Professional Association for Transgender Health and EPATH, European Professional Association for Transgender Health.


Over the last few years, gender diversity in childhood and adolescence has achieved an increased visibility. Within a broad bibliography on health care models and educational interventions related to the topic, a relative... [ view full abstract ]


• To review the conceptualizations of gender diversity in childhood and adolescence in the recent scientific literature. • To analyze the role of gender diverse children and youth in research processes. • To review... [ view full abstract ]


The presentation forms part of a qualitative research project that explores the opinions of trans adults, gender diverse children and adolescents, their parents, as well as health professionals, regarding gender transition... [ view full abstract ]

Main Outcome Measures

As main outcome measures, the following items were established: • Conceptualization of gender diversity in childhood and adolescence in recent scientific literature. • Participation of gender diverse children and... [ view full abstract ]


As result of the literature review, the following aspects can be highlighted:• Existence of a broad scientific literature on gender diversity in childhood and adolescence. • Relative lack of research projects that include... [ view full abstract ]


In contrast to a broad literature on gender diversity in childhood and adolescence from clinical and educational perspectives, a scarcity of research projects can be observed that include the perspective of gender diverse... [ view full abstract ]


  1. Amets Suess Schwend (Dr. Amets Suess Schwend, Andalusian School of Public Health; CIBER-ESP, Centre for Biomedical Network Research – Epidemiology and Public Health)
  2. Gracia Maroto Navarro (Andalusian School of Public Health; CIBER-ESP, Centre for Biomedical Network Research – Epidemiology and Public Health)
  3. Alfonso Marquina-Marquez (Andalusian School of Public Health; Applied Socio-cultural Studies Research Group, Department of Social Anthropology, University of Granada)
  4. Silvia Bustamante Elvira (Andalusian School of Public Health)
  5. Manuela López Doblas (Andalusian School of Public Health)
  6. Ainhoa Ruiz Azarola (Andalusian School of Public Health)
  7. María Isabel Tamayo Velázquez (Andalusian School of Public Health)
  8. Noelia García Toyos (Andalusian School of Public Health)
  9. María J. Escudero Carretero (Andalusian School of Public Health; CIBER-ESP, Centre for Biomedical Network Research – Epidemiology and Public Health)
  10. Alina Danet Danet (Andalusian School of Public Health; CIBER-ESP, Centre for Biomedical Network Research – Epidemiology and Public Health)
  11. Paloma Ruiz Román (Andalusian School of Public Health)

Topic Area

Oral & Poster Topics: Social sciences


OS-1D » Social Sciences I: Transgender Health from a Social Science Perspective (14:00 - Thursday, 6th April, Mediterranean)

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