CONTEXT. For several years education is known as an important factor of social integration. However, the gap is growing between general population and youth in out-of-home care at the end of care and during the following years (del Vallee, 2011; Jackson & Cameron, 2012; Darmordy & al., 2013). As youth in out-of-home care perform below the social standards, investigating their educational context is relevant to their successful transition to adulthood. As for studies on the subject, a systematic review was conducted. After conducting an analysis of 67 articles (1995-2015) results indicate that the majority of studies focus on youth characteristics and trajectories. However, the studies reviewed lack a comprehensive framework regarding the involvement of professionals, organizations, and context. Also, results suggest a focus on the developmental characteristics of youth rather than on the structural factors or on the interaction between individual and structure. Furthermore, the review found that most of the articles reviewed could benefit from a more elaborate conceptual section and an in-depth theoretical discussion that open up new questions about the understanding of education from a meta-perspective. OBJECTIVE. Given these elements, and the importance of a strong conceptual component, the goal of my work, and presentation, is to provide an analytical framework to study and understand education of youth in out-of-home care. The latter among others will offer a holistic and interactionist vision. METHOD. To achieve this goal I combined theoretical elements from life course perspective (Elder, 1998) and results from a systematic literature review content analysis. Life course perspective allows evaluation of public action operations and outcomes measurement while taking into account complexity (Fleury & Raiq, 2013). The five principles of life course analysis served as codes and formed the analytical framework for definitions and results of reviewed articles. Furthermore, to develop the framework, complementary literature reviews took place in order to mitigate various deficiencies. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION. This framework illustrates the complex issue that is education of youth in out-of-home care and provides a basis for understanding its operation as well as for evaluation. Combination of life course principles with results from education of youth in out-of-home care studies demonstrate the importance of an analytical framework including the following components : 1) individual as an actor; 2) continuum of care (temporality); 3) interrelation of trajectories; 4) networks and supports; and 5) personal and institutional contexts. This framework also highlights the importance to combine individual and structural factors. Finally, it brings forth past studies, helps decision makers, and improves further understanding of the operations and results of public actions. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 1) DARMODY, M. & AL. (2013) Education of Children in Care in Ireland: An Exploratory Study, Dublin: Office of the Ombudsman for Children, 136p. 2) DEL VALLEE, J. F., & AL. (2011). Leaving family care: Transitions to adulthood from kinship care. Children and Youth Services Review, 33(12): 2475-2481. 3) ELDER, G.(1998). The Life Course as Developmental Theory, Child Development, 69 (1): 1-12. 4) FLEURY, C. & RAIQ, H. (2013). Sociological Innovations and Life Course, Sociologie et Sociétés, 45 (1) : 5-15 5) JACKSON, S. & C. CAMERON (2012). Leaving care: Looking ahead and aiming higher. Children and Youth Services Review, 34(6): 1107-1114.
Education and qualification of children and young people in care , Program evaluation and quality in child welfare