Does foster children's poor school performance cause later psychosocial problems? Evidence from national registry data


Objectives: Research has shown that children in out-of-home care are a high-risk group for economic, social and health related problems in young adulthood. Foster children’s poor school performance has been identified as a... [ view full abstract ]


  1. Hilma Forsman (Department of social work, Stockholm University)
  2. Lars Brännström (Department of social work, Stockholm University)
  3. Bo Vinnerljung (Department of social work, Stockholm University)
  4. Anders Hjern (Centre for Health Equity Studies (CHESS), Stockholm University/Karolinska institutet)

Topic Area

Education and qualification of children and young people in care


OS-40 » Foster Care (16:30 - Friday, 16th September, Sala Polivalente)