User Defined Outcomes? Opportunities and challenges of Goal Attainment Scaling as a measure of outcomes in child and family social work


Introduction Measuring outcomes in child and family social work is notoriously difficult. Reasons for social work involvement are complex and varied, ranging from a baby where there are serious concerns about risks, through a... [ view full abstract ]


  1. Amy Lynch (University of Bedfordshire, Tilda Goldberg Centre)
  2. Fiona Newlands (University of Bedfordshire, Tilda Goldberg Centre)
  3. David Westlake (University of Bedfordshire, Tilda Goldberg Centre)
  4. Donald Forrester (Cardiff University)

Topic Areas

Program evaluation and quality in child welfare , Other topics


OS-21 » Outcomes and Evidence Based Practices (12:30 - Thursday, 15th September, Sala Polivalente)