Proximity and Knowledge Sharing in a Wine Tourism Cluster


Proximity and Knowledge Sharing in a Wine Tourism Cluster Importance and Key Findings Industry clustering has been identified and promoted as a policy process to promote regional development, innovation and jobs (OECD,... [ view full abstract ]


Industry clusters; knowledge sharing; proximity; Australia; wine tourism [ view full abstract ]


  1. Kandy Dayaram (curtin university)
  2. Werner Soontiens (curtin university)
  3. Desmond Tutu Ayentimi (curtin university)
  4. Mirsad Bahtic (cu)
  5. Roslyn Larkin (university of newcastle)
  6. Sidsel Grimstad (university of newcastle)
  7. john burgess (curtin university)

Topic Area

Main Conference Programme


PPS-7d » Clusters and Networks (09:00 - Friday, 2nd September, N204)

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