Topic 7, stage 3, micro The stakeholders theory focus on managers. They make relatively autonomous decisions in the company, and these ones influence in the relations with the stakeholders groups of the organization.... [ view full abstract ]
Topic 7, stage 3, micro
The stakeholders theory focus on managers. They make relatively autonomous decisions in the company, and these ones influence in the relations with the stakeholders groups of the organization. Mitchell's et al (1997) research has been quoted extensively, although their original model has been used as a tool for empirical analysis scarcely (Parent and Deephouse 2007). The way in which managers try to balance the claims of a few stakeholders constantly, especially the shareholders has been studied frecuently (Berman et to the, 1999). Managers as representatives of the firm commit themselves in the resources search for the organization with the different stakeholders (Pfeffer, 1981; Pfeffer and Salancik, 1978).
Managers are often influenced by the organizational context in which they are working. As March and Simon (1958); Katz and Kahn (1978); Daft and Weick (1984) reveal, not considering of the influence that the organizational context has on the decisions, is an extensive widespread practice. According to the same authors, it is not possible to obviate that the managers are influenced by the organizational context in which they make decisions. So, in order to analyze the influence of the decision making on the relations with the stakeholders involves, a previous identification and analyses of the organizational context in which the decision making takes place.
Our paper tries to study in depth the stakeholders or the issues that really matter the organizations (Mitchell et to., 1997). We analyze the perceived relevancy by the manager in his organizational context, taking into account the organizational culture, focusing on the usefulness that this organizational culture can have for managers in order to avoid conflicts with their resources assignations the resources between the different stakeholders. In our case we will analyze the cooperative companies for their values and strong managerial culture.
Also it is necessary to keep in mind, that the stakeholders in the organizations can interact in order to cooperate and to ally with other stakeholders (Frooman, 1999). As Neville and Menguc (2006) argue, the relevancy can be measured in a suitable way through the coalitions of stakeholders who line up about problems or situations of the organization. This paper also tries to demonstrate the existence of internal and external stakeholder, as different subpopulations with diverse social characteristics, rolls and different cognitive structures (Dimaggio, 1997, Powell and Dimaggio, 1991) which can influence the perceived relevancy by the manager.