New applications of autonomous biosensors in harmful algal bloom research and monitoring

Don Anderson

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute

Donald M Anderson is a Senior Scientist in the Biology Department of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. He is the Director of the Cooperative Institute for North Atlantic Research (CINAR), and is Director of the U.S. National Office for Harmful Algal Blooms. His research is on toxic or harmful algal blooms (HABs), with focal areas that range from molecular and physiological studies of growth, sexuality, and toxin production to the large-scale oceanography and ecology of HABs, including numerical modeling, forecasting, and a range of monitoring and management strategies, many reliant on novel instrumentation and biosensors. [I can add more here if you want - awards, publications, etc.] In his keynote presentation, Don will provide a brief overview of HABs. recent global trends in their occurrence and impacts, and the many challenges in monitoring and managing shellfish and other resources impacted by toxic blooms. He will then highlight some of the new “ocean observing” technologies that are already being used for early warning of HABS, as well as to provide near real-time, in situ data on HAB cells and their toxins to augment traditional monitoring approaches. Given costs, logistics, and regulatory issues, it is currently unrealistic to expect these instruments to be broadly incorporated into monitoring and management programs worldwide, but progress in that direction has been steady and it is now possible to envision a future where networks of instruments will provide managers with valuable information on HABs and the environmental conditions that regulate their distribution, abundance, and toxicity.


Blooms of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium fundyense cause recurrent outbreaks of paralytic shellfish poisoning in the Gulf of Maine region of the U.S. The outbreaks can be widespread, covering hundreds of km of coastline,... [ view full abstract ]


KN-04 » Keynote Don Anderson, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), USA (14:10 - Tuesday, 16th May, Bailey Allen 1)