Biotechnological tools for the detection of tetrodotoxins in puffer fish and shellfish


The expanding occurrence of puffer fish and shellfish containing tetrodotoxins (TTXs) in Europe highlights the need to ensure seafood safety and to protect human health. Thus, specific, sensitive, fast, reliable,... [ view full abstract ]


  1. Mònica Campàs (IRTA)
  2. Laia Reverté (IRTA)
  3. Maria Rambla-Alegre (IRTA)
  4. Sandra Leonardo (IRTA)
  5. Carlos Bellés (IRTA)
  6. Katrina Campbell (Queen's University Belfast)
  7. Christopher Elliott (Queen's University Belfast)
  8. Panagiota Katikou (National Reference Laboratory on Marine Biotoxins)
  9. Arjen Gerssen (RIKILT Wageningen University & Research)
  10. Mirjam Klijnstra (RIKILT Wageningen University & Research)
  11. Jorge Diogène (Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentàries)

Topic Area

Emerging Toxin Methods


OS-14 » Tetrodotoxin (11:30 - Thursday, 18th May, Bailey Allen 1)