Experimental Study of Chip Formation during Orthogonal Cutting of Stainless Steel SS303
The purpose of this research is to analyse the chip formation process of three different manufacturers of Stainless Steel 303. The analysis of this study is based on the Ernst-Merchant theory in a series of continuous... [ view full abstract ]
The purpose of this research is to analyse the chip formation process of three different manufacturers of Stainless Steel 303. The analysis of this study is based on the Ernst-Merchant theory in a series of continuous orthogonal cutting tests under dry cutting conditions. This classic theory has been proved as valid in previous work [1] and [4]. It has been concluded as capable here in order to: select the best manufacturer for the cutting parameters which have been taken into account, establish a comparison between the values of chip velocity through classic theoretical analysis of Merchant and innovative methods as videoanalysis, and the trend of some important chip parameters as the cutting conditions change which is helpful to predict how the chip evolves.
For the first goal, a dynamometer was set up to analyse the forces, strains, velocities, and power generated on the cutting proceedings. Secondly, a high speed camera was established to record a small region where the contact tool/workpiece takes place. Thirdly, the chip was collected after every experiment to be analysed in two different microscopes (Meiji Stereo Microscope and SEM).
Therefore, conclusions in terms of improving finishing surface as well as tool life could be drawn so that better tools and tool holders can be manufactured.
Anxo RodrÃguez RodrÃguez
(Cork Institute of Technology)
Matt Cotterell
(Cork Institute of Technology)
Enrique Ares
(University of Vigo)
Topic Area
Manufacturing Processes
Session 1D » Session 1D: Metal Processing (15:45 - Thursday, 3rd September, Lecture Theatre 2016)