Ocean Literacy Online
Ocean Wise Education has dived into the digital world. The Ocean Literacy Course is an online, interactive course available to K to 12 students. Students can explore the seven ocean literacy principles while completing various... [ view full abstract ]
Ocean Wise Education has dived into the digital world. The Ocean Literacy Course is an online, interactive course available to K to 12 students. Students can explore the seven ocean literacy principles while completing various engaging activities and quizzes to earn badges. In this demonstration, Ocean Wise Educators will provide a walk-through of the course, and highlight the various resources and lesson plans, which are available to teachers and students. This session will demonstrate the various ways the Ocean Literacy Course can be used in classrooms, communities and individual environments.
Rachael Bell-Irving
(Ocean Wise)
Topic Areas
Topics: Communicating marine conservation , Topics: Other
OOTD-1A » OceansOnline Online Tools Demosntrations (14:30 - Friday, 29th June, Tubau 1)