Phylogeography of Dugong: Molecular Insights from Indian Subcontinent


Dugong (Dugong dugon) is the only existing herbivorous marine mammal of the order Sirenia which inhabits nearshore Indian waters. Interviews with fishermen have estimated its number to have declined to less than 200... [ view full abstract ]


  1. srinivas yellapu (Wildlife Institute of India)
  2. Sivakumar Kuppusamy (Wildlife Institute of India)
  3. J.a Johnson (Wildlife Institute of India)
  4. Samrat Mondal (Wildlife Institute of India)

Topic Areas

Topics: Communicating marine conservation , Topics: Conservation and management of tropical marine ecosystems , Topics: Climate, ocean acidification, and the changing oceans


OS-4B » Conservation and Management 1 (10:00 - Tuesday, 26th June, FJ Event Hall)