Detecting drastic declines in a poor elasmobranch fisheries region


 India has contributed largely to global elasmobranch stocks and yet there is a paucity of biological, socio-economic and ecological data to construct effective management plans. While Odisha does not rank highly (2%) in... [ view full abstract ]


  1. Alissa Barnes (Dakshin Foundation, Bengaluru, Karnataka)
  2. Muralidharan Manoharakrishnan (Dakshin Foundation, Bengaluru, Karnataka)
  3. Naveen Namboothri (Dakshin Foundation)

Topic Areas

Topics: Fisheries, aquaculture, and the oceans , Topics: Other


S-147 » Priorities and goals for conservation of elasmobranchs in Asia (10:00 - Wednesday, 27th June, Kerangas)